Okay.... I am posting my true, honest feelings. I am not posting this to debate others. I am not posting this to change anyone's mind. I am posting this because my heart hurts. I am posting this because I always feel excluded in the Christian world during elections. I have a heart for God, a heart for serving others and a heart for giving. I am a Christian but I am not a Republican. I am not a Democrat. Here it goes...................
9-17-08: I am writing another election woes post today because I am really sad. I am really really sad at the impression Christians give during elections. Christians (I am speaking in general but you see it blog after blog after blog) portray an impression of intolerance and lack of interest in helping others during election time. If you don't believe me, pull up some blogs, read the comments at FoxNews.com. Read the blogs and comments as if you were unchurched. What opinions would you have? I see so many hypocrisies (on both sides) that it bothers me and I am a Christ Follower, again.. imagine how the unchurched view all of this.
Example: I have seen Christians make fun of the left for wanting to protect polar bears in Alaska. Aren't polar bears God's creation? I have seen Christians laugh at ObamaWaffles, pretty racist if you ask me. You can only imagine how the unchurched see Christians during elections, I am right and you are not.
The pastor at my church mentioned the elections in this past Sunday's service. He recommended that you vote for the candidate that lines up with the Bible. Okay.. I think that principle should be applied to elections and every day life for that matter. The worship center was full of chuckles and applause. I know they were chuckling because they assume you will vote Republican if you are a Christian.I felt pretty excluded because I am not 100% Republican. I imagine others that are not 100% Republican felt the same way. I don't exactly see how Republicans think they line up with the Bible and Democrats do not line up with the Bible? They do on some issues but certainly DO NOT on other issues.... Same with Democrats.
Republicans are Pro Life (again I am generalizing things) and I would agree that Pro-Life stance lines up with the Bible. But.. Doesn't Pro-Life include any person's life (even a capital murderer, an innocent child or citizen in Afghanistan, a soldier in Iraq?). That seems to be forgotten. On the Pro Life issue, why do people make that the center of elections? The Supreme Court currently has more conservative appointed judges than liberal appointed judges. Reagan had 8 years, George H had 4 and George W had 8. The decision has not been over-turned.
Another subject is taxes.. well I have to say, I pay more in taxes now than ever. George W. has been in office 8 years and I have seen my taxes go up. I know that is not all of George W's doing but how can Republicans claim to be a party that lowers taxes? George W even cut the Katie Beckett Waiver (a Reagan program) 3 years ago. Grant was eligible for this waiver to help with co-pays and out of pocket expenses. This costs us anywhere from $200-750/month. George H Bush and Clinton funded the waiver (again a Reagan program). To be very honest, I will pay my fair share of taxes to live in our country. We have so much to be thankful for that are covered by taxes: Fire Departments, CDC, Schools, Universities, Police, Highways, FDIC, Military, Court Systems, Medical coverage for those that would not have coverage otherwise, Boards that govern our medical personnel, FDA, FBI, just to name a few. You may not agree with every program covered by taxes or the way every program is handled. You may want very different programs than your neighbor who wants different programs than the next guy. But.. in a country with freedom, the programs are diverse as is the population. Call me crazy but I think we get a pretty good deal for the money we pay.
What about feeding the poor? Okay, Food stamps and welfare are not perfect systems. God has called on Christ followers to help our neighbors. The systems need work but they would not be needed if the churches in America were following the calling of Jesus. Republicans want to do away with the system. Then what, have our neighbors starve? What about helping AIDS victims? It is my understanding that churches donate 3% of all donations for AIDS relief. If churches did more, the government would not need to do so much.
I see elections as a negative force in the mission of Christians. Elections are a freedom and a right that should be exercised but the judgments, comments, intolerance do the Christian movement more harm than good. As a Christian, I pray that my children will learn about the election process but not to see Christians in a negative way. I love my
Determined Democrat friends and I love my
Rabid Republican friends all the same. "Can't we all get along".