Why did I start blogging? Honestly, it looked like fun. I do kind of enjoy blogging and I love to read other peoples' blogs. I think blogging can help make us transparent. I can use a little help in that area. One about blogging is that it requires upkeep. I didn't need another thing on my list at all but here I have it... keep up blog.
My friend did a blog where she made a list of interesting things about her. It was a neat way to learn more about her. So.. in my effort to keep my blog up, be more transparent, AND have fun.. I am going to list some things about me (I hope I do not offend anyone).
* My middle name is Waverly. Jennifer Waverly Strickland Gilcrease . I was named after my grandfather, Waverly, who died before I was born.
* I have a problem... I laugh when people fall. I don't mean a smile then say "Are you okay". I mean a fall on the floor, bust a gut, snot on yourself sort of laugh. I know it is wrong but I can't help it. I laugh at myself when I fall too if that makes you feel any better.
* I hate guns. I do not want anyone but the police and soldiers to own guns. I know.. a very liberal view being so close to Kennesaw but I see very little good come from gun ownership.
* I love to sleep. I am one of those people that need 8-10 hours a night. Watch out if you call me past 9:20 on a school night.
* I love Auburn University.. not just for the football, in fact that is a small part of it. It is part of me.. part of my family. My 96 year old grandmother went there when she was 16. My mom graduated from Auburn. I have been going to Auburn my whole life.
* My buddies Paige and Sheila have been my buddies for over 20 years. We don't talk every week but when we do, it is like sisters. I love them.. they love me.. We love each other unconditionally.
* I love spaghetti, Diet Coke with Lime, sweet tea, tomatoes, chocolate, and watermelon.
* I have worked for Liberty Mutual for 17 years. It is an unbelievable company to work for. They provide health coverage for Grant and that is my driving force. That kid is uninsurable otherwise.
* I can't stand Styrofoam. It gives me the creeps.
* I cannot touch a cotton ball. Again.. the creeps. I once had a headache for hours until Skip could get home and get the cotton ball out of the bottle.
* I have space issues.. If you know me.. I know you just said DUH to yourself. I don't know why but I am working on hugging. My kids all kiss me right on the lips when they leave for school or at night. I think that is their way of making my personal space shrink.
* Skip and I have been married for 13 1/2 years. We met at Liberty Mutual. Our cubicles were next to each other..say ahhh.
* I chew on things.. straws, end of pens.
* I open containers with my mouth.
* Butter over margarine any day.
* I am ADHD, self diagnosed but got the doctor to agree so I could try meds. They work.. I can now read a book and stay on task.
* I twirl my hair. I even put my hair in my mouth at times. Gross.. I know but I have done it my whole life. My parents even gave me a Dorothy Hamil to make me stop, it did not work.
* I wrecked my family's MGB into my family's station wagon in the drive way when I was 15. Not a smart move..
* Anytime I have a nightmare.. it involves a large wave. I love the ocean but can't handle large waves. I can't watch surfing on TV.
* I swam for Swim Atlanta growing up. You would think the wave thing would not be such an issue.
* I am a horrible cook. My husband does the cooking in the house.
* My closet is a mess.
* I like to fix problems. If someone tells me a problem.. my mind starts working immediately on how I can fix it. I don't have a lot of patience when it comes to fixing problems either.
* I am not a great communicator. Ask my husband.. I am working on it but it is painful for me. "Fine" is one of my more frequent words.
* Okay.. this is a kicker. I hate politics. I could write a whole blog about this. I am tired of the left vs. the right. Here is my point of view..If Jesus were supporting a party.. it would not be either party. He agrees in feeding the poor (D), He is pro life (R), Against War (D), Healthcare for everyone (D), Prayer in school (R)... I never vote a straight ticket. I do not have enough faith in either party to click one button. I vote for the person, not the party. Who am I for this year? I thought I knew until the VP was selected.... now I am undecided again. Enough of this. I will just hold my breath until November. I really hate the commercials, the debating, the lies.. who knows what to believe? I think the candidates are all power hungry folks with less than adequate integrity.
* Technology has made society's issues front and center. I at a point where I will have to explain to my YOUNG daughters what things in the limelight mean. I have banned channels on TV, the news and now will have to ban the election. I did not have to face so much of this junk growing up, partly because we did not have media everywhere but I think society expected more. This saddens me... I wrote this Thursday night. The first words out of Kendall's (9) mouth this AM is "Do you have to be in love and married to have a baby?" So sad... I resent that this is thrown in America's face.
* I love photography.
* Quality Time is My Love Language
* I bought my car off ebay.
* I love New England in the fall. Skip and I lived in New Hampshire for 4 years. The fall is breathtaking. Spring in NH stinks..
* I love the show HOUSE. I think I am a doctor and love the diagnosis part.
* I love my house. It is not the Governor's Mansion but it is perfect for us. It is our HOME. My street is wonderful too. I have incredible neighbors.
* I am a homebody. I like to travel but if I am not traveling... I like to be home. Come visit anytime but I am not great at visiting others.
* I took 3 scuba classes for PE at Auburn. I enjoy scuba diving but we don't get to go much anymore.
* I turned 40 this year. It was over-rated.
* I talk to my parents every day or every other day. They are the most incredible parents.
* I can't keep any plants alive; inside or out.
* Chicken drumsticks make me sick to my stomach.. Too many parts.
* I hate the dentist. I would rather give birth than have a filling.
* Speaking of giving birth.. I have quick labors. All 3 kids wree born in 3 hours or less. I didn't have an epidural with 2 of my kids and then the last one I got an epidural for 5 minutes, ouch.
* I am a horrible singer but I love to sing.
* Ebay rocks!
* I love my church. West Ridge Church.. That can be it's own blog one day.
* I wish we didn't see Rebel flags anymore. That must really make some folks feel excluded.
* I am scared of heights. I cried like a baby on the Eifel Tower in high school
* My family is my world. I love my husband. I love my 3 children. They are God's greatest blessing.
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I love you all the more. I laugh when people fall too. When I was in college I would trip all the time. Sometimes on purpose sometimes not. One time during registration I was walking up the stairs and fell. No one was with me to laugh...I felt stupid, but got up and laughed at myself and then took two steps and fell again...I mean I fell too...flat on my face. I wish you were there to laugh with me. It would have made that experience alot better. Instead I had to talk myself through each step up the stairs while my dad stood at the top with the schools VP. Wow...memories!
I would have laughed. I would have rolled on the floor at that one. Skip can't even watch ice skating because he is worried someone will fall. He has empathy. Me, on the other hand, love a good goof-up. I hope we are never together when someone really busts it.
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